Principal’s Message


True education is life oriented. Integrated formation of the students enable them to develop all their God-given potentials. Thus, they grow as persons physically fit, intellectually well trained, morally conscious of right values and principles,  socially service minded, personally mature, loving and open to life-long growth.


Carmel School believes that education is the primary avenue through which young girls start their journey in realizing their dreams and make their mark as responsible citizens. The Carmel School family strives to maintain its standard of excellence in the field of education, sports and other co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. For more than five decades this wonderful cradle has produced sterling all-rounders who have forged into the world with confidence.


Carmel School has dedicated faculty, hardworking support staff, loyal and zealous students who are committed to live up to the motto – ‘Love Conquers All’. May our Foundress Venerable Mother Veronica inspire us. Our Lady of Mount Carmel protect one and all.


Sister M. Rashmita A.C.


Carmel School, Ranchi


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