
  1. Students should be regular in attendance, punctual, diligent in their work, neat and clean in their dress.
  2. Children should be in school by 7.55 am, unless time change is notified by school.
  3. Magazines must not be brought to the school without the consent of the Principal. Such material if addressed to them, as well as letters, will be subject to inspection by the school authority.
  4. No student will leave the school during working –hours or during lunch break, without the permission of the Principal.
  5. Students are bound to make good any damage done to the school property or library books.
  6. Students will not be allowed without
  • To raise subscriptions
  • To give gifts to the members of the staff.
  1. Students must be careful with their belongings. The school is not responsible for the lost goods or money. Parents are advised not to give money to their children except for a specific reason.
  2. Parents are earnestly requested to see that their   children prepare their   lessons and take on active interest in the activities of the school.
  4. The School authorities are not responsible for the children after school hours. Hence parents will make the necessary arrangements for them to go home.
  5. Occasional reports and recommendation from teachers are conveniently made in the contact report. Parents are requested to sign them as a proof that they have read them.
  6. Special reports on student’s  conduct,  application and  progress  are issued by the school  occasionally   and after  each  Terminal Examination Parents  should  see to it that  these  reports  are through  to them and take steps  in time  against   causes  that impede  the progress  of their   They should by counter signed by the parents.
  7. Parents are requested to make complaints if any, to the Principal directly and not to the teachers. This also includes during parent-teacher meeting. No parent is allowed to create an unpleasant scene before the students in the class.
  8. Every parent should accompany the child for Parent Teacher Meeting.
  9. Parents and Guardians  should  not visit the class or meet the teachers during  school  hours  without  making  an appointment  through  the Principal.
  10. Kindly help  your children  to bring  their note  books  and text books  accordingly  to the  day’s  time-table . This will enable them to lighten their bags by not carrying unnecessary books.


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